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History of Internet, uses of internet and simple definition



The seeds of internet were planted in 1969 when the US defence department started a program or project known as ARPANET  

(Acronym for Advance Research Project Network).

The goal of this project was to connect all the training center and universities of the defence-department to each other to make communication better, which expanded rapidelly, leter on in the early 80's the national science foundation started a new network of communication which is known as NSFNET (national science foundation network) . Which is more capable from ARPANET.

After that following the network trend various private organization started three own private network like, CSNET, BIITNET etc.

Which where any how enter connected with ARPANET, NSFNET and

other networks creates a huge network of communication known as INTERNATIONAL NETWORK that is INTERNET


Simpel Definition of Internet:-

Today Internet is a Network of  Networks by help of which user can share or collect various type of data and information through out the world.

Now a day each and every person wants to work with internet directly or indirectly beacouse today in the cheapest, fastest and popular way of communication by help of which  a user can perform various type of work from home and office. like: booking railway, airline ticket, reasearching on the latest mobile, car, bike, house, property, jobs, online marketing, paying bills, education, home class,

news update, maps, social networking, email, earn money and many more. thank you.

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